


An appreciation of one’s gender is an important aspect of developing a sense of self-identity. For this reason, our schoolchildren are encouraged to explore their unique potential in an environment that is committed to providing equal opportunities for boys and girls. Equality is an important concept that promotes parity between genders.

Our co-educational principle accepts that there are unique differences between boys and girls and acknowledges the right to those differences. Our aim is to ensure that each individual has the opportunity to develop in a balanced environment, which does not favour one gender over the other or promote gender stereotypes. We are also dedicated to fostering respect, understanding and friendship between girls and boys.

Positive illustrations of co-educational practice

(a) In our classrooms
  • Through being with the opposite sex from junior infants, our children gain a confidence and ease in being together. They grow to understand each other. This increases social skills and communication between the sexes.

    • The pupils learn together from a young age. Each sex sees that there is a wide range of ability within the class and that this has nothing to do with gender.

    • Teachers in our school strive to value the ability of boys and girls equally – each child is encouraged to reach his/her maximum potential in all subject areas.

    • Our teachers try to make sure that both genders get an equal share in decision-making within their class.

    • In the classroom, children take turns doing chores and they all participate in the division of labour. No distinctions are made between sexes in this respect.

(b) In our broader school life
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