Our Valentine’s Day Bake Sale is on Wednesday 14th February. Baked goods can be dropped off on either Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning. Children can bring €1 or €2 and all monies raised will go towards our new Sensory Corridor.
A reminder that Helen’s SI and Karen’s 4th class will be leading assembly on Monday 12th February – we hope you can join us!
A huge thank you to all who supported our Buddy Day last Friday, the school raised just over €750 in aid of Pieta House. A big thank you to our Student Council for assisting on the day.
Seachtain na Gaeile will be taking place in the school from 11th – 15th March, celebrating Irish language and culture.
A reminder that enrolments for our Outreach (ASD) Classes opens 29th January, see our Enrolments pages for more information.
Our Wellbeing Committee have organised a “Buddy Day” for 2nd February, more details below: http://www.letns.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Buddy-Day.pdf
A reminder that there are some places still available in some activities and its not too late to join. Contact the office for more information.
A reminder that Outreach, siblings and a catchup session for any students absent last week, will take place on Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th January. Thanks to Alina and Marta for all their hard work so far.
Today is Internet Safety Day, you may find the following websites useful: https://www.internetmatters.org/https://zeeko.ie/ https://www.verywellfamily.com/a-sample-cell-phone-contract-for-parents-and-tweens-3288540 https://www.tusla.ie/parenting-24-seven/6-12-years/child-safety-practices-reduce-injury/tips-for-your-child-on-the-internet/ https://www.commonsensemedia.org/blog/16-apps-and-websites-kids-are-heading-to-after-facebook Social media, self-esteem and young people